Jennifer Root, MD, FASA for ASA Assistant Secretary

I am committed to serving ASA members, and advocating for our Profession, our Patients, and our Practices. 

Meet Dr. Jennifer Root

Jennifer Root, MD, FASA was born and raised in rural North Alabama.  Her father was an Engineer and her mother was an OR Circulating Nurse... anesthesiology was a perfect fit! She was introduced to politics at a very young age through her parents and their associations, which made it natural for her to get involved as a medical student with organized medicine.  She is married to Dr. Forest Evans, also an Anesthesiologist, has three children, and has spent the majority of her career working as a 'local locums' in all practice settings and sizes across South Carolina, including an office-based practice, the local VA hospital, and the local Trauma center. Her decades of experience with the South Carolina Society of Anesthesiologists, the South Carolina Medical Association, The South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, and the ASA Board of Directors has provided her with a robust set of experiences to help guide her unique outlook on the practice of Anesthesiology and Physician Led Medical practice across the entire house of medicine.